Hans Kollhoff Architektur/Architecture -

Published by Prestel, 2003

This vol­ume of­fers a close ex­am­i­na­tion of 12 build­ings, de­signed by Koll­hoff be­tween 1996 and 2001. Each build­ing is de­pict­ed in five full-​page duo­tone pho­tographs, il­lus­trat­ing their fa­cade's tec­ton­ic struc­ture and high­light­ing Koll­hoff's char­ac­ter­is­tic use of light and shad­ow. An es­say by ar­chi­tec­tural the­o­rist Fritz Neumey­er anal­y­ses Koll­hoff's con­tri­bu­tions to the ur­ban land­scape.